Life practice

From The Coming Boogie Woogie (2012 my choreography)

From The Coming Boogie Woogie (2012) by mychoreography

Life practice is something that started to interest me in relation to experimental travel which is a playful way of traveling based on an approach (e.g. draw a straight line on map between the first and last streets in the index and then follow it) rather than a destination (e.g. visit the museum and the castle).

I like the opportunity it offers to experience/observe things (including ourselves) in news ways and surely new experiences are how we learn, grow, have fun and all that good stuff. (As an aside I wonder whether artistic interference with daily life is similar to the interference with daily life offered by religious practice, for example fasting periods?)

Another way of talking about this is social choreography ”an aesthetic practice that can actively intervene in the ways that people relate and interact” so rather than choreographing representations of relations between people, the actual relations are choreographed.

I am interested in how this sort of activity might complement more traditional forms of political or philosophical activity/ endeavour/ investigation/ activism. So I find myself asking whether I can develop a practice in this area. A showering practice?

See also: Imagination of the body, Routine


Antony, R. and Henry, J. 2005. The Lonely Planet Guide to Experimental Travel

Chaney,D. 2002. Cultural Change and Everyday Life. London: Palgrave

de Certau, M.1988. The Practice of Everyday Life. London; University of California Press Ltd.

Mychoreography. 2012. The Coming Boogie Woogie